iPhone Bootcamp Summary

Posted on December 05, 2008 by Scott Leberknight

So, after having actually written a blog entry covering each day of the iPhone bootcamp at Big Nerd Ranch, I thought a more broad summary would be in order. (That, and I'm sitting in the airport waiting for my flight this evening.) Anyway, the iPhone bootcamp was my second BNR class (I took the Cocoa bootcamp last April and wrote a summary blog about it here.)

As with the Cocoa bootcamp, I had a great time and learned a ton about iPhone development. I met a lot of really cool and interesting people with a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. This seems to be a trend at BNR, that the people who attend are people who have a variety of knowledge and experience, and bring totally different perspectives to the class. The students who attend are also highly motivated people in general, which, when combined with excellent instruction and great lab coding exercises all week, makes for a great learning environment.

Another interesting thing that happens at BNR is that in this environment, you somehow don't burn out and can basically write code all day every day and many people keep at it into the night hours. I think this is due to the way the BNR classes combine short, targeted lecture with lots and lots and lots of hands-on coding. In addition, taking an afternoon hike through untouched nature really helps to refresh you and keep energy levels up. (Maybe if more companies, and the USA for that matter, encouraged this kind of thing people would actually be more productive rather than less.) And because of the diversity of the students, every meal combines good food with interesting conversation.

So, thanks to our instructors Joe and Brian for a great week of learning and to all the students for making it a great experience. Can't wait to take the OpenGL bootcamp sometime in the future.

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