JSF Conversion Oddities?

Posted on April 14, 2005 by Scott Leberknight

Suppose you have a web application with a field named "amount" on a form. Suppose also the field should convert its input to a number with at least 2 fractional digits. Ok, JSF provides a <f:convertNumber> tag that provides an attribute minFractionDigits. So far so good. We could put the following code in our JSF page:

<h:inputText id="amount" value="#{payment.amount}">
    <f:convertNumber minFractionDigits="2"/>

Makes some degree of sense. Whether I want to place this conversion directly in the view layer is debatable. Actually not really. I don't want to put it there but that's what JSF wants you to do, so for my example I did just that. Then I started playing around, submitting the form with various values. Entering valid numbers works fine, e.g. 75.00, 45, 21. So let's see what it does with something that is not a number. Entering 'abcd' produces a conversion error which gets output to the screen. The default error message is 'Conversion error occurred' and changing it to something like 'The amount could not be converted to a number' turns out to be exceedingly difficult in JSF on a per field basis, but that will have to wait for another blog. Ok, what about a mixture of numbers and letters? Entering '50xyz' produces...50.00. Um, wait a second. Apparently the invalid trailing letters are ignored. Last time I checked, if you try to feed that number to the standard factory method Double.valueOf() you get a NumberFormatException as you would expect. Why would JSF accept that value and convert it as a valid number? That just doesn't seem to make any sense at all.

Oh but wait. Before assuming this is purely the fault of JSF, I did a little more and wrote a JUnit test to test out parsing numbers using the NumberFormat.parse() class. The string "50xyz" is successfully parsed using this method. The JavaDoc for NumberFormat.parse() actually states "Parses text from the beginning of the given string to produce a number. The method may not use the entire text of the given string." That last sentence tells the story. The method doesn't necessarily use all of the input string, which I think is a bit odd. What if the input string were "50?75"? The parsed value is 50! This is not only odd, it seems just plain wrong to me. What if someone meant to type in "50.75" but typed "50?75" (since the "?" is next to "." on the keyboard? The parse does not flag an error and would then cause a wrong input value to be accepted. So apparently the culprit here is actually the JDK, not JSF. So this just illustrates that you need to thoroughly test your applications using many different forms of invalid data to ensure your application actually considers it invalid. But since JSF (apparently) uses NumberFormat during its conversion phase, this type of data will be converted successfully and not flagged as erroneous input.

Note that NumberFormat.parse() is not the only method with a lenient parse policy. The SimpleDateFormat.parse() method also does. For example, the string "4/2005edfnnas", when parsed with the pattern "MM/yyyy", is parsed successfully to the date 4/1/2005. And, the JSF <f:convertDateTime> tag probably uses SimpleDateFormat as well, since the above input string converts to "4/1/2005" in JSF. So if you are using JSF and its converter tags, be aware of the leniency during parsing.

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